There are three sides to a coin; Head, tail and the edge.
There are many sides to a story; my side, your side, the bystander's side, the 'over-opinionated' side etc.
And the list goes on.
Our current crisis has had my head in turmoil over the past few days. The facts, the fictions, the myths, the opinions, the lies, the deceit, the mistrust and the stench radiating off the full meaning of politics is more than one can bear.
We watch the news and we see our police officers going into a community that has deliberately stereotyped itself, and trying to bring peace and calm to society. We applaud when the gunmen are killed, shiver when the babies, women and children are 'accidentally' murdered, sigh with regret when the law enforcers are injured or cut down and get outraged when civilians are caught in the crossfire.
Gunmen - were they born this way? were they made into this final byproduct of society? or do they just adjust to their unchanging circumstances?
Guns are not made in Jamaica; there is no day that you will pick up a gun and see 'made in Jamaica' on it... our own sugar is imported, much less GUNS. But how do they get imported in an island that is so heavily secured at the wharves and point of entry for any goods coming into the country? or so they say...
Our society has skillfully cultivated a set of criminals that cannot be weed out with just a mere 'state of emergency' and that is a fact that the government need to understand. They are the same ones who have sat by and fed them for them to reach this point and now they are reaping
the benefits of such actions.
PNP...JLP... two parties; Choose one...
I can't promise you that there will be a difference... The criminals that are here now are in their 20's upwards. JLP has been in power for a couple years. What do you think has been happening before their taking over?