Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't let a guy steal your diamonds

It was THE perfect day.
As the sun danced across the palm leaves and snuck between cracks to create mystical patterns on the ground, the birds sang sweetly in the bushes. The aromatic scent of roses wafted through the air with a bee gently floating towards the pollen as mother nature took its course. The breeze caressed the silk wrapped columns, wisping strands of curled ribbons in the air. The guests were seated, some milling around to greet other persons, air kisses being exchanged, cocktail being served and everything was perfect.

The ring on her finger gave away the telltale story of the events earlier at the church. She was now Mrs.

Nothing could spoil this moment, absolutely nothing, as she was on cloud nine.

Four years later, she's battling depression, lost weight due to stress and gets frustrated at the sound of her baby crying. She sits at the table to calculate her bills that she will have to manage on her own since her husband left and started his life with someone else eight months ago. As she totaled the amount, the cash for gold ad ran across the screen of her TV and she turned her gaze to the diamond ring on her hand that just caught the sunlight streaming in through an open window.

The point of that story is to show you how men rob us of our gold/diamonds even if they don't come physically to do so.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend !!!

That statement was not made lightly years ago. It was made because it is true. Diamonds are cold, it has no feeling and it does not discriminate. But one thing is for sure, it looks damn good with black.

Women, you know your worth, you know you deserve diamonds; when you finally get them, cherish it. Don't let a guy make you lose your diamonds. At the end of the day, it's worth more than him; especially when he turns out to be the big disappointment in your life. Keep your diamonds/gold. It's better to go and melt it and make something you really want so it doesn't represent him than to sell it.
The original DivaKnockoff
ps: for those of you in a relationship and waiting years for the diamond to come to you, more than likely it has already been stolen without you even knowing it.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Birthday my best friend

Trying to outdo myself from earlier years, I racked my brain as to how to wish my best friend a happy birthday in a meaningful way. I want it to be something he will remember, something significant, something that will make a point... something ME :)

So for the past two days, I've had on my thinking cap and I must admit that all it came up with were the regular stuff. So I snatched it off and then it hit me like a cold wind on a gusty winter morning (just like the ones you see on TV where it literally HIT you), I'll blog about him.

Who is a best friend?

A best friend in my opinion is someone who is there for you 'no matter what'. A lot of us can readily jump and say that this is true (which it is); but we take for granted what that simple statement means. It means that when you are down and out, when you have been wronged, when you have been hurt and basically anything that can go bad happens to you, that person is there. A best friend puts you first, and that is not an easy task, especially in these days when everyone seems so selfish and motivated to accomplish their goals. The hardest task that that position holds is that the person will still be there even when you happen to not be there for them when they had needed you. When you have turned your back and hurt that person, they will still give you more than what you deserve.

So all the persons who have a best friend, cherish them, because our time here is not guaranteed.

Today, I lift my hat and my heart to wish my best friend Seragh Daniels a wonderful day. You have been nothing short of a miracle in my life. I've been the hardest person you've probably had to deal with and conquering Mount Everest might have been easier than dealing with me, but you were always there and you have never faltered.

Today would not have been the same if you weren't here and in my life. I will continuously give thanks for today because a guy like you came from a special mould and you can never be replicated. You are one of a kind and one of the most special persons I know on this earth. Over ten years ago you came into my life and it has changed for the better; a husband and a best friend.

Thank you for being you and I wish for you so many good things in this lifetime.
Antoinette Daniels
aka DivaKnockoff

Monday, October 4, 2010

Win or lose?

It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game!


Everyone wants to win. Who wants to be a loser?

Growing up, I've always been told to give my best and it will pay off. If it turns out that i did not win, I'd get a pat on my shoulder and encouraged to do better next time. How am i to do better when i gave my best? So that means I'm to give my bestest next time, right?

Fair enough.

Being in primary school, I've always known that I'm no runner. Unfortunately, i actually won a race in PE one day and the coach decided to put me on the team for my colour house on sports day - green house. We had training sessions in the evenings after school and i was so excited for sports day to get here.

Finally, judgement day came. It was my time to run and represent my house. i took my skinny legs onto the field with my house colour proudly pinned onto my chest and back. I went into my lane, knelt down for the signal to start. Then we're off like horses and turtles. Within seconds i was seeing the backs of three people (there are four persons in the race - including me). Sweating like a fat person with high cholesterol in a sauna and breathing like a horse on steroids who just ran a ten furlong race, i eventually made it down to the finish line while everyone congratulated and cheered for the winners. Nobody remembered the fourth person. I didn't even get a participant ribbon.

I knew i wasn't a runner, i knew running is not my cup of tea but i went out to practice and i gave my all. Why didn't i get a hug and cheer and told that it didn't matter if i had won or lost? Why did i feel like a disappointment to my team?

If i had won that race, i would have been the crowd favourite. No one goes for the losers. So the next time I'm doing what it takes to win the race (whether it's a personal race against time or trying to accomplish my goal) don't tell me it's how i get there; commend me WHEN i get there.


your one and only original non runner DivaKnockoff