Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sneaky Criminal

  • man follows worried parent to police station to report her missing child

  • while at the police station, the officers received a phone call informing them that the child has been found

  • man flees police station leaving behind bewildered cops and a overwhelmed, yet totally confused parent.
Upon investigation, the child is said to have been abducted by the said perpetrator who fled, raped, strangled and left for dead... upon thinking the child was dead, he buried her in a shallow grave, piling stones on top.

Fortunately, the police were able to catch the man and lock him up.


I am wondering what kind of sentence that the law is going to issue onto this man. Will he be considered a murderer? but then again, the definition of murder according to the Webster online dictionary is .....Unlawful premeditated killing of a human being.

Since the child is NOT dead, what will his punishment be? His intention was to kill, he thought he did, and if the child was not found, in his head, he would have committed a heinous crime. The murder may or may not have been premeditated, because he could've just been in the heat of the moment.

Will the judge and jury lean towards the meaning of the crime, or will they look at the heartlessness of a fellow human being who is in a position of trust and took advantage of that to harm a defenseless child?

If this 12 year old girl as not able to regain consciousness and dig her way out of this grave to report him, he would've gotten off scotch free and a potential lawyer, doctor, teacher (or whatever she chooses to be when she is older) would have died senselessly.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cell phone era

'there's just one thing I hate, my girlfriend searching my cell phone.'

'why is that?'

'she just might see something that creates suspicion and could be a turn for the worst for our relationship'

Each time I hear someone say this statement (mostly male), the first thing that comes to mind is: "if there is nothing for her to be suspicious about, then why is there a problem?"

In the same breath, we look at cell phone privacy... does this refer to the cell phone provider? or does it also refers to our partners showing us the same respect?

So on a serious note, if you have 'nothing' to hide, you are being truthful to your partner and anything suspicious on your phone is indeed 'innocent' why do you have a problem when he/she goes through your phone?
Is it safe to assume that persons who have a problem with their partners going through their phones are really hiding something or they're up to something?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

To Care or Not to Care?

Characteristics of a nurse:

Nurses need to have a great deal of compassion for their fellow human beings.

With that being said, how does a fellow nurse who has undergone several years of training and sacrifice handles the broken promise of a government?

Day in, day out, we hear the cries of nurses who are not being paid properly because the government 'cannot' find the funds to pay them, or the benefits they are to receive are not being delivered.

The most recent escapade includes the nurses at the Children's Bustamante Hospital going on strike because they need their voices to be heard. This has left several children to suffer ... is it at the hands of the nurses (who took that promise to care for them no matter what) or the hands of the government (who we, as a people, voted in control)?

One aspect we could look at is, how can someone walk off their job when they were hired to look after children/babies.... these dependent human beings need us, so how can you leave them when they are in need? Imagine waking up in the night to see your child turning blue because he can't breathe, he is having an asthma attack and you hurriedly grab the necessaries and rush to the Children's hospital, only to be told that there are no nurse to assist you, they are on strike !!!

Your first reaction is anger as you realize that your hard earning 'mandatory' taxpaying dollar is not being put to its fullest use. Your child is on the brink of death or could suffer serious mental damage if he is not looked after immediately.

The flip side of this is that these are the same nurses who have been overworked and underpaid and when the government has promised to raise their pay (along with the cost of living) they only fulfill one end of the bargain and that is the latter.

So at this point when the nurse choose not to care and put down their foot and demand that the government acknowledge their plight, or else... what do we as citizens do?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Perfect Relationship

Why can't I have the 'perfect' relationship?

You might ask me, how is Mr. so-and-so (who is my better half) and my response might be, "we are good, just fantabulous"... At which point in my response did I say that we would be ok 'forever'? If I'm being optimistic about the future, and enjoying the present aura of love, don't hate... your day will come.

The cussing, the 'lock-shop', the 'ehf' word and the quarrel is all in the mix that makes your relationship perfect... to each his own.
Who define what's perfect for me? If he is going to cheat, lie or hit me (with the idea that he's dead after that), he will do just that, I have no power over stopping that. I will just have to do what I know I need to do to make this relationship work; if it fails, then that's just another bridge to cross... so for the moment, I'll hang on to my Mr. Perfect; and if you should ask, I'll just tell you as it is "we're perfect" (for now)... :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ticketing/Road System

If my insurance, fitness and registration on my car is up, I don't have on any seat belt, or my head/tail lights are not working, I will get a ticket. If I overtake on an unbroken white line, go above the speed limit, I will get a ticket.

But if I hit one of those craters in the road, blow out my tyre, bend my rims and probably bust my shocks, government is not even gonna blink an eye.

What the road cops do not realize is that there are going to be times when we are so focused on worrying about the roads that we forget the trivial things such as licensing our cars. :)