- man follows worried parent to police station to report her missing child
- while at the police station, the officers received a phone call informing them that the child has been found
- man flees police station leaving behind bewildered cops and a overwhelmed, yet totally confused parent.
Fortunately, the police were able to catch the man and lock him up.
I am wondering what kind of sentence that the law is going to issue onto this man. Will he be considered a murderer? but then again, the definition of murder according to the Webster online dictionary is .....Unlawful premeditated killing of a human being.
Since the child is NOT dead, what will his punishment be? His intention was to kill, he thought he did, and if the child was not found, in his head, he would have committed a heinous crime. The murder may or may not have been premeditated, because he could've just been in the heat of the moment.Will the judge and jury lean towards the meaning of the crime, or will they look at the heartlessness of a fellow human being who is in a position of trust and took advantage of that to harm a defenseless child?
If this 12 year old girl as not able to regain consciousness and dig her way out of this grave to report him, he would've gotten off scotch free and a potential lawyer, doctor, teacher (or whatever she chooses to be when she is older) would have died senselessly.