Why can't I have the 'perfect' relationship?
You might ask me, how is Mr. so-and-so (who is my better half) and my response might be, "we are good, just fantabulous"... At which point in my response did I say that we would be ok 'forever'? If I'm being optimistic about the future, and enjoying the present aura of love, don't hate... your day will come.
The cussing, the 'lock-shop', the 'ehf' word and the quarrel is all in the mix that makes your relationship perfect... to each his own.
Who define what's perfect for me? If he is going to cheat, lie or hit me (with the idea that he's dead after that), he will do just that, I have no power over stopping that. I will just have to do what I know I need to do to make this relationship work; if it fails, then that's just another bridge to cross... so for the moment, I'll hang on to my Mr. Perfect; and if you should ask, I'll just tell you as it is "we're perfect" (for now)... :)
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