Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Invisible Power of Responsibility

New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, a Jewish born in Brooklyn, has sent lewd photos of his crotch to persons he's met online, lied about it, admitted to lying about it, told his wife about his 'past' online hanky-panky, lied to her about the twitter photos then admitted to lying to her.

whew !!!`

What a work.

THEN, after all that, came on national TV to let the whole world, that is willing to listen, know that his wife is a remarkable woman, she did not deserve any of this and he's apologizing.

He's incredible !!!

A lot of persons in high positions set out on a self destructive path where they want to be treated like a 'normal' person. Unfortunately, this is not so... you were given this position to make a difference. We already have the regular hooligans and white-collar-wanna-be's who keeps us entertained, your job is to do what is best for the country, for the music and for whatever industry you're in.

Spider man's aunt once said "with great power, comes great responsibility". In other words, when you are in the limelight, you owe a just due to society where your actions are no longer yours to do as you please. You will be held accountable for every good, bad or indifferent behaviour that you throw upon them. Don't think for one minute that you can continue to be this carefree person that can let your personality, whether dark or other, shines out and sidetrack you from the job at hand to be done... which is to be a mentor, leader, supporter or whatever statue of significance to some one's life.

I'm still

The original DivaKnockoff


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