Monday, June 6, 2011

Liars, Liars, Liars

There are different types of liars, I'm told.

  1. Sociopath - someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others - this person is goal oriented

  2. Compulsive - someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions

  3. Occasional, Frequent and Smooth - These don't need a definition as they are self explanatory

The terms Pathological Liar, Habitual Liar and Chronic Liar are often used to refer to a Compulsive Liar.

In my opinion, a lie is a lie... it doesn't matter the context of how it was delivered. If you lie to protect someone, you will find all forms of justifiable reasons to defend your stance. If you lie to make yourself look better in someone else's eyes, you will feel that momentary tweak of guilt that is called a conscience. If you lie to not let someone get on your case about an issue, you will have to remember that lie to back up future stories. Why go through all that trouble and put yourself in a worst off position than if you hadn't lied?

When someone lies to you, you feel betrayed, you think the worst of that person, you don't know how to trust that person anymore and your instinct is to not let that person get any closer to you so that future lies will not affect you when they decide to continue down that path.

Being on the receiving end of that stick is not a good place to be... so why do we tend to put persons at that end?

When a friend has lied to us, we puzzle over it for days at end (depends on the level of friendship). Can we, as human beings, tell the truth in all occasions? We always say 'better you tell me the truth than you tell me a lie and i find out'... but how truthful is that statement? There are times when we just cannot handle the truth... or is it that the truth hurts no matter what?

The thin line between truth and lies is a fragile one. Once you've entered into the lying game, it is hard to come back... be careful how you trod... Don't make excuses for your lies, don't come up with an intellectual reason as to why you had to lie... think about the situation, approach it in the best way possible then give your answer. But know at the end of the day, a lie, no matter the context, is a lie.

I am yours truly

The one and only original DivaKnockoff


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